FENS Forum 2024: early registration deadline extended

Deadline extended!
Early registration, abstract submission and FENS travel grantsFENS is pleased to announce that the deadline for early registrationabstract submission and FENS travel grant calls for the FENS Forum 2024 have been extended. 

You still have time to register until 20 February 2024 at 23:59 CET! FENS and the host societies, the Austrian Neuroscience Association and the Hungarian Neuroscience Society, are looking forward to welcoming the neuroscience community to Vienna, Austria, from 25-29 June 2024!

Don’t forget to check out FENS Partner and Society  Travel Grants: they provide an excellent opportunity to take part in the Forum and are closing soon as well.Join us and be part of this exceptional congress, that brings together thousands of scientists from around the world covering all domains of modern brain research.
ECTP Training ProgrammeIn a forward-looking initiative, the Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) and the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT) have launched the Early Career Training Programme (ECTP), generously supported by the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the IBRO-Pan European Regional Committee (PERC).

This transformative programme offers Early Career Researchers worldwide a chance to embark on a 2-3 week short lab stay in one of the nearly one hundred host laboratories available across Austria and Hungary. This experience will constitute a unique platform for skill development, international collaboration and exposure to diverse research environments.

With financial support, training opportunities and a global perspective, the ECTP aims to shape the future of neuroscience research by empowering the next generation of scientists. The students will share their research experiences at a meeting preceding the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna. 

Apply here