The Hellenic Society for Neurosciences is happy to announce the call for abstract for its 27th Meeting that will be held in Athens from 8-10, December, 2017.
Please, send your abstract, based on attached guidelines until October 29th, 2017 at
When the abstract is sent, the first author (MSc, PhD or post-doc level) has to state if he/she wants to be considered for an oral presentation.
Please, make sure that you receive an acknowledgement of abstract receipt. In case, you do not receive one, send your abstract again.
Abstracts that do not conform with guidelines, or are sent to a different e-mail address, will be returned and not considered.
Travel awards:
1) HSfN will give 5 travel grants (maximum 2 for MSc students and 3 for PhD candidates) to HSfN postgraduate students members of the HSfN Society that they do not reside/study in Athens, in order to attend the meeting. Along with abstract submission please indicate if you want to be considered for a travel grant and also send one-page CV. Please, do not apply for a travel grant if you are not eligible. Awarded students from Patras or Thessaloniki will receive 100 euros for travel expenses after completion of the meeting. Students from Crete/Alexandroupolis/Ioannina (or other areas) will receive 150 euros for travel expenses after completion of the meeting.
Travel grants will be announced in mid-November.2) HSfN is planning to give 3 travel grants, in order to participate with a poster presentation at FENS FORUM 2018 in Berlin (500 euros each award). The candidates should be either PhD students or post-docs and members of the HSfN, that haven’t received an HSfN travel award in the past. Please, indicate during abstract submission, if you want to be considered for a FENS travel award and if so, please also send one-page CV. Selection will be made based on A. Presentations (oral or poster) by the candidates during the HSfN meeting in Athens and B. their CV Awards will be announced at the closing of the meeting in Athens.
For all travel grants only first authors are eligible.