HSfN will provide 2 types of travel awards:
- Travel awards in order to attend the 28th meeting of the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience in Heraklio, 4-6 October 2019. HSfN will give 6 travel grants (maximum 2 for MSc students and 4 for PhD candidates) to postgraduate student members of the HSfN Society that they do not reside/study in Heraklio, in order to attend the 28th meeting of the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience meeting. Along with abstract submission to hsfn18@gmail.complease indicate if you want to be considered for a travel grant and also send one-page CV. If you have already submitted an abstract, please send an additional e-mail to hsfn18@gmail.com indicating your desire to be considered for the travel award, along with you CV. Please, do not apply for a travel grant if you are not already an HSfN member or otherwise eligible. Awarded students will receive 200 euros for travel expenses after completion of the meeting and submission of their travel tickets. The deadline is the same as the abstract submission (August 10th). Travel grants will be announced by August 30th.
- Travel awards in order to attend the FENS2020 forum in Glasgow, Great Britain. These travel awards will be given based on the evaluation of poster presentations to a pre-specified committee. More information will become available soon.